Worst Case

Worst Case’s “Rocket” EP comes at us with two hard hitting originals and three reworks anchoring on the talents of some of the finest producers around at the moment.
“Rocket” opens up swiftly with an effervescent bustle, as the groove is slowly built up through ascending synth leads. The ear catching leit-motif though is an insurgent guitar sample, reminiscent of 70s power solos. Despite the overall oldschool flavour of the track, we’re quickly reintroduced to present day soundscapes, as we reach its peak point. Surprisingly enough, the tension is smoothly resolved and the original dynamic is reverted.
Centered on a setup of layered vocals, “General Opinion” offers an upbeat groove from the get go, bolstered by a carefully crafted array of ascending whizzes, tribal roars and clattering bells. Distant cut-outs of the vocals create a spacious and relaxed outro, unwinding to a full stop.
US sound traveler Clint Steward revamps “Rocket”, building up anticipation through percussive slabs. Promptly triggered cavernous bass snippets enthrall and intrigue, as the ambiance morphs into that of an otherwordly sonic journey.
Niko Schwind injects his trademark oomph, giving “Rocket” some extra boost. Balancing sharp chops with subversive synth detonations, the piece gains even more fire to fuel the dancefloor.
From the other side of the globe, Aussie Murat Kilic reshapes the audio storyline in “General Opinion” to a progressive, uplifting affair peppered with sunken ringers. Still playing upon a vocal sample from the original cut, the track shows off a jagged edge, displaying a deeper and darker version rendition of the latter.
Catalogue number: SVT170